For the next part of my adventures, I was interested in the source code of PHPFusion (version 9.03.50) also known as PHP-Fusion, whose source code can be downloaded at the following address.

How ?

After installing the application, I tried to list the actions I could perform as an unauthenticated user. And as for most CMS, it is possible to read content such as blogs, articles, etc.

The page <ROOT>/infusions/articles/articles.php seems to be dynamically related to parameter $_GET['cat_id'].

alt text

By using the payload i<3"'ivoire to fuzz the parameter $_GET['cat_id'] and looking for the string “ivoire” in the server response, we realize that we are able to escape from the href attribute of the <a> tag.

alt text

The last thing we need to do is to create a payload that executes himself correctly within the page (<ROOT>/infusions/articles/articles.php?cat_id=<PAYLOAD>).

The following payload allows us to open an alert box containing the integer 1:


alt text

Why ?

Now that we have seen, that it is possible to execute JavaScript code in a user’s browser. It is necessary to understand why is this possible. We know that the vulnerability is present when we ask for the page <ROOT>/infusions/articles/articles.php. So, a first thing to do is to read the code on the corresponding page.

File: <ROOT>/infusions/articles/articles.php


require_once __DIR__.'/../../maincore.php';

if (!defined('ARTICLES_EXIST')) {

require_once THEMES.'templates/header.php';
require_once INCLUDES."infusions_include.php";
require_once INFUSIONS."articles/infusion_db.php";
require_once ARTICLE_CLASS."autoloader.php";
require_once INFUSIONS."articles/templates/articles.php";
require_once THEMES.'templates/footer.php';

It’s by remembering that the Reflected XSS found in chapter C1 was due to a unsanitized parameter in the template that I had the idea to look at the code of the page <ROOT>/infusions/articles/templates/articles.php.

After placing debug elements in the code to find out which part of the code was responsible for the vulnerability, it was identified that the responsible part was the following lines:

File: <ROOT>/infusions/articles/templates/articles.php

<!-- Display Sorting Options -->
<div class="row m-t-20 m-b-20">
    <div class="col-xs-12 col-sm-12 col-md-12 col-lg-12">
        <!-- Display Filters -->
        <div class="display-inline-block">
            <span class="text-dark strong m-r-10"><?php echo $locale['show']; ?></span>
            <?php $i = 0;
            foreach ($info['article_filter'] as $link => $title) {
                $filter_active = (!isset($_GET['type']) && $i == '0') || isset($_GET['type']) && stristr($link, $_GET['type']) ? "text-dark strong" : "";
                echo "[DEBUG]: ".var_dump($link); // DEBUG added
                echo "<a href='".$link."' class='display-inline $filter_active m-r-10'>".$title."</a>";

alt text

From the above capture it is obvious that it is the $link variable that is responsible. But where does this variable came from?

This variable cames from using foreach on $info['article_filter']. After running grep to get the references to $info and parsing it, I realized that it was the get_ArticleFilters() function of the abstract class Articles that made the application vulnerable to this Reflected XSS.

File: <ROOT>/infusions/articles/classes/articles/articles.php

* Outputs core filters variables
* @return array
private function get_ArticleFilters() {
    foreach ($array['allowed_filters'] as $type => $filter_name) {
        $filter_link = INFUSIONS."articles/articles.php?".(isset($_GET['cat_id']) ? "cat_id=".$_GET['cat_id']."&amp;" : "")."type=".$type;
        $array['article_filter'][$filter_link] = $filter_name;

    return (array)$array;

The element cat_id of the $_GET variable is not sanitized before being concatenated and stored in the $filter_link variable. The call to the vulnerable code is then made within the same class when using the function set_ArticlesInfo().

File: <ROOT>/infusions/articles/classes/articles/articles.php

* Executes main page information
* @return array
public function set_ArticlesInfo() {


    $info = array_merge($info, self::get_ArticleFilters());
    $info = array_merge($info, self::get_ArticleCategories());
    $info = array_merge($info, self::get_ArticleItems());
    $this->info = $info;

    return (array)$info;


The next chapter will cover the discovery of a Stored XSS.