We will keep the same hierarchy as in the previous post.

Firmware version v1.05.00

Command injection in the test ADSL functionality (post-auth)

Looking into /usr/sbin/setup.cgi with Ghidra

I was able to identify with the string search feature that within the function FUN_00405d44, the string “command” seems to be expected. Moreover it is the only occurrence of this string in the CGI script.

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So we look at what the function COMMAND do:

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The COMMAND function seems to write the formatted string of its first parameter with the second (the one we are controlling), within the file /etc/cmd_agent.

Let’s see with the root shell acquired through the UART port what it does to write into file /etc/cmd_agent.

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We realize that the command written in the file /etc/cmd_agent is executed.

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By performing the ps command we realize that a binary with a name similar to our file is running:

  • /usr/sbin/cmd_agent_ap

Let’s see what this binary does within Ghidra:

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It is therefore this binary that is responsible for reading and executing the contents of the file /etc/cmd_agent using the function system. We just have to identify the HTTP request that will allow us to execute system commands in an arbitrary way.

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Example of a POST request to exploit the vulnerability:

POST /setup.cgi HTTP/1.1
Host: 10.X.X.1
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
Authorization: Basic YWRtaW46cGFzc3dvcmQ=
Content-Length: 132

command=$(/bin/busybox echo HIT>/tmp/POC %26%26 /bin/busybox echo ADIAGRALL)&tone=1&go=++Go++&next_file=adsl_test.htm&todo=adsl_test

It should be noted that this is also exploitable via an HTTP GET request:

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Several other ways to reach the COMMAND function have been identified within the functions:

  • FUN_00405d44()
  • FUN_004084c8()
  • FUN_00408a30()
  • FUN_0040a560()
  • FUN_0040a644()

The next post will describe how it is possible to find the backdoor discovered by Eloi Benoist-Vanderbeken by looking for post-auth accessible vulnerabilities.